This is a mix of Mammoth Grey Stripe, two diverse mixes of smaller seeded types, and another very large, edible-seeded sunflower. It contains both polyhead and single head sunflowers. This is a great mix for pollinators or for seed for birds or livestock. Sunflowers (even the polyheads) are easy to process for animal food. Just cut the heads as they begin to dry on the plant and finish drying them inside. When they are rock hard and crispy, throw them in a pillow case to thresh them, and then winnow them with a fan. Chickens and ducks go crazy for the seeds.
Packets contain approximately 50 seeds.
Are seeds really free?
Are seeds really free?
Our mission is to make diverse seeds available to everyone. Although the seeds are free, you will need to pay for shipping. In addition, we ask you to consider making a donation to cover program costs. This allows us to make seed free for those who need it.
When will I get my seeds?
When will I get my seeds?
Seeds will ship within a week of ordering. This program is run by dedicated and hardworking volunteers. Going to Seed is not a seed company. You may receive packages that have less than the stated number of seeds, germination rates may not meet the federal standards, shipping may be slower than you prefer, or there may be any other number of unanticipated glitches. Please be patient with us as we improve the standards over time.
How are seeds packaged?
How are seeds packaged?
Seeds are packed in moisture proof, 100% compostable materials. We recommend saving this packet to fill and send back to the program.
Seed Steward Needed!
Are you interested in being a Seed Steward? Stewards are are responsible for sourcing diverse seed, curating mixes, and engaging growers. You do not have to grow a large amount of seed, you just need to love the crop and want to share that love with the community.